August 2,2017
I, John, both your brother and your companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:9
God has been with me through it all. All my highs and all my lows. All the times I’ve pushed Him away and all the times I have called out to Him. He hears my prayers. Never would I have ever thought that He would actually bring me to Guatemala, but prayer is a powerful thing. Always asking God to do something new, something to make me step out to the comfortability I was living in. Turns out He was actually freeing me from the things I never thought I had been tangled up in. I thought I had my life all together and was coming here to know His word more. I was wrong. I had drifted so far from God, but God never drifted from me. I have learned that my God is a God that I need at all times, not just when I need Him. That kind of shallow relationship would never work out and I was trying to have that with the one who knows me better than anyone else. Trusting in Him has been a challenge because I never thought He could or would want to do the things He has done. But as stubborn as I can be, He always brings me right where I need to be. My God is not boring or mundane, but I tend to think of Him that way at times, because He is not always doing what I want Him to do. But in the mist of the quite times, He is working in me still. My application this week is to wake up everyday expecting and excited to grow closer to Him. I will do that by sharing with my team what He is doing in my life and through out my day. 


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