August 3,2017
“that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” 
Hebrews 6:12

Jesus is our only example to live by. I have spent too much of my life trying to live in others footsteps or who they want me to be. Pleasing people was my number one goal. As long as others were happy, I was happy. A life lived like that is not sacrificial, it might feel like we are doing good for awhile, but it is not what God is calling us to do. Our lives are meant to be glorifying Him, and yeah I was serving and I was there for others, but I was not pointing them to Jesus. If my life does not reflect Christ, nothing I do pleases Him. Yes we are called to love, but we are also called to direct people to Jesus. No it is not us that is saving them, no we are not the ones who get the pat on the back. We are to be tools for God and to be His light in the world. Our world is only getting darker because less and less people are no longer willing to be a light and are too afraid to be used by God. God is with us wherever we go and when we trust in that, then we will inherit His promises. I get so stuck in thinking that this world has so much control in my life, and it is up to me whether or not I will allow it to consume me. My application this week is to pray for confidence and boldness before every outreach or kids club


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