July 26,2017
For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.
2 Corinthians 1:12
I am nothing with out God. My testimony is not my own, but His. I only boast in the things that God has done, nothing of my own. In our minds at times we tend to think that we can accomplish so much and get so far on our own. Or even become successful because of a group of people. And yeah success does come out of the things we do, but it is only because of God that those things are possible. The world can knock us down because our minds do not work the way the world wants us to. I know that I am not promised tomorrow, so I am tired of trying to plan out my life. I am tired of the constant, “what do you want to do after IGNITE?” questions. I am taking this walk day by day and walking into His will for my life. It is not always going to be perfect or even what I want, but I know that if it is of Him, it is good. I am going to mess up and I am going to have bad days, but His mercies are new every morning, so I know I could never drift if my eyes remain on Him and Him alone. That is God’s wisdom. Dying to self has been a radical decision and one of the hardest ones I have ever made, but because He is good I know that His plans for me are good. His grace is sufficient and I will live a life more abundantly through Him. My application is to spend more alone time with Him than I am now. Adding an extra time of prayer or reading His word through out my week.
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