July 24, 2017
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
-Psalm 111:10
Fearing the Lord had always seemed like a scary thing for me. I would always think, “I am supposed to be afraid of God if I do something bad?”, but turns out it is the complete opposite. Fearing the Lord is wanted to live for Him to the best of our ability because of what He did for us. We want to draw near because He draws near to us, He is above all else and that is what makes Him who He is. We gain wisdom in knowing how powerful God is, and yeah that can be scary, but He is on our side. We tend to blame bad things on God when they happen to us or in the world. It is confusing at times when we do not understand why something happened or why us or why them, but we have to trust that God is in it and something good will come out of it. Following Him and seeking in everything He has for us is the ultimate source of wisdom that we can gain. Not knowledge necessarily, but wisdom that produces good fruits in our lives. Knowledge does not always attract people to Christ, but a fruitful person full of God’s wisdom brings others near and wanted more of God’s presence. My application is to ask two girls what fearing the Lord means in their life. 


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