Romans 15:1

August 24,2017
“When then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”
Romans 15:1

Jesus did not come down to please Himself. His strength didn’t come from the feedback He received or how many people He healed. His strength came from God. We are weak, but in Him we are strong. In the book, Knowledge of the Holy, by A.W. Tozer it says that, “God gives, but does not give away.” That hit me because I thought of how many times I’ve gotten puffed up by the strength He has given me in areas and then got pushed back down and humbled. I can’t do anything with out Him so instead of using the strength that He gives me and use it for my own desires, I need to use that strength to build up those around me. Jesus did not come down to show us how strong He is, but to become weak with us and to show us God’s love. It has been amazing doing life with people with the same heart chasing after Him, but in verse 5 and 6 it says to be, “like minded” so we can become “one mind and one mouth to glorify the Lord.” My application is to pray for strength in class 13 as a whole and by teams this week. 


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