Philippians 3:10

September 13,2017
“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death”
Philippians 3:10

“Jesus died for me so I can live for Him” has been something I have always heard growing up. Not really understanding all the pain and suffering that He did for me on the cross. Of course the movie helped me get a picture of it and broke me, but it still really didn’t hit me until I realized all that He has brought me through. We live in such a dark world and I always would ask myself “why did He die for us, we are so unworthy” and that is exactly why He did what He did. Grace upon grace is what God has given us. Making the ultimate sacrifice because we are worth it in His eyes. His love for us is unexplainable and His mercies are new everyday. He holds my past, present and future in His hands and knows my beginning and end. My God is my best friend. My sins put Him on that cross, but He died knowing He would be saving me. That brings tears to my eyes knowing I am loved that much. No sacrifice can compare to what He has done, but I can continue laying down my life and following Him with everything I am. My application is to say yes to any chore or anything someone may need with out being asked this week.


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