Field Time Week 4

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer, for he said ’Til now the Lord has helped us.’”
- 1 Samuel 7:12

Ebenezer- stone of help. Jesus set up my Ebenezer here in Guatemala. I needed help desperately and He knew the only way of getting me out was getting me away. Away from distractions and temptations and bringing me to a place where I could fully surrender and fully focus on Him. During training, time was put on our schedules to spend 2 hours of alone time with God. I spent more time in the Word during my training than I have my entire life. Coming back for field time we have been crazy busy and it has been our own responsibly to make time for the Lord. It’s been four months here now and God has given me freedom in areas, but I am abusing it. I will never grow if I continue to walk into each day as just another day. I will never be satisfied if I put my heart in things that aren’t of the Lord. I want that desire to spend every moment I can with God. Whether it be early in the morning or while I am cooking and cleaning during the day. I want to go to bed every night praising the Lord, knowing that He was with me. “Till now the Lord has helped me”  it is my responsibly to walk in what the Lord has for me and not to look back to how or what I used to be. Walking daily hand to hand with the Lord and growing and changing into who He has called me to be. The Lord has given me a new heart with new desires and I couldn’t be more excited for what is to come. My application is to go this week with out complaining or sleeping in.  


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