Field Time Week 6

“And He led them forth by the right way, That they might go to a city for a dwelling place.”
-Psalm 107:7

Whenever I cry out to the Lord, He saves me. He is always trying to lead me in the right direction, but He doesn’t force me to. It is my choice whether or not to follow Christ and it is my decision to make each and every day. In Hebrews 11 it talks about how Moses made the choice to suffer reproach instead of enjoying the pleasures of sin. He made a decision to live faithfully to Christ and I want to do the same in my walk with the Lord. I want to finish my race strong and realize what I have at the finish line, an entirety with Christ. Yes I want God working and moving in my life and amen that He has, but there are days where I don’t put in what He is trying to pour out. I let myself go a couple days run dry and tired and going into my flesh instead of seeking Him. Field time is so much different than training and it is up to me how much time I want to spend seeking and knowing the Lord more.  I don’t want to go through this season and get nothing out of it because of laziness. My application is to stop looking at what’s around me and look to God for my everyday strength. 


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