Field Time Week 11
“The inner sanctuary was twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and twenty cubits high. He overlaid it with pure gold, and overlaid the alter of cedar.” 1 Kings 6:20 The Lord cares about every detail. Big or small. So many times I have just skimmed over passages like these where it talks about measurements or the variety of things made and I asked God why are these passages here and why are they important. I found that my life can look like this, but while reading I truly recognized Solomon’s dedication to please the Lord. I go through days like I am promised tomorrow sometimes just getting things done and moving on to the next. Treating things with more heart than others. God has my days all planned out and some of those days look like being in the kitchen all day or being at kids camps or fellowshipping with my team, and all of these things need to be acted on with the right heart. A willing heart aligned with His. Some days it gets exhausting and some days I just want ...