Field Time Week 10
“And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding beyond measure, and breadth of mind like the sand on the seashore.”
1 Kings 4:29
So many times I catch myself asking God for the dumbest of things. Things that only seem temporary or things depending on how I am feeling that day. Solomon was king and his prayer was to gain wisdom. He wasn’t asking God for riches or honor or a long life, but wisdom. God found favor in that knowing that Solomon’s desire was to please the Lord. My prayer life needs to have more faith involved. God knows what I need and He knows what I want, but my prayers need to be for things that are going to grow me and stretch me. This chapter convicted me because I have been keeping God in a box and doubting that He can do the big things that I pray for in my own life and for the lives of others. He is wanting to do exceeding and abundantly more than I can even think of, but I am holding onto the lies of “He won’t”. HE CAN AND HE WILL. He has already done such a big work in my life and I know He isn’t finished with me yet. I know He can speak into the lives of my unsaved family members and I know He can heal my heart. This week I will start praying bigger prayers and I will get God out of the box I have put Him in.
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