Field Time Week 13
“And when they prevailed over them, the Hagrites and all who were with them were given into their hands, for they cried out to God in the battle, and He granted their urgent plea because they trusted in Him.”
1 Chronicles 5:20
“For they cried out to God” God answers His people and grants us victory when we cry out to Him. New Years resolutions have always been a funny to me and I am sure my resolutions have humored God over the years. I always take it so seriously until like mid February and then I slack. This past year I have seen and heard more from God than ever before. I cried out to Him and He saved me. My weakness attracted God because he can’t resist those who humbly and honestly admit to needing him desperately. He saved me from the mess I was in and brought me here. A place to heal a place to take refuge and a place to seek Him with all that I am. Since then my life has never been the same. Sure I fall short and get all fleshly at times, but I know that God will break me of my pride and of my selfish ways when I submit to Him. I am forever crying out to Him because I know that He is the only one who can satisfy this hunger and need that I have search for in so many other things for so long. This year instead of setting unrealistic goals that just set me up for failure, I am going truly set my ways aside and draw near to God each day more than the day before. I am going to be more intentional with Him and gain more of a personal relationship. Chasing after wherever He may take me and trusting in Him with all my heart. knowing that His plans are good for me. Stepping out in faith and not holding back. Not caring what those around me think anymore or what they may say. Clinging to His promises and never settling. I pray to be a woman after God’s heart and never stopping until I see Him face to face.
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