Field Time Week 16

“So then my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
James 1:19-20

My prayer is to walk this out everyday. Waking up each morning asking for more of Him. I don’t want to be ignorant, I want my words to be glorifying to Christ. Words hurt and destroy relationships. May I be wise with my words and not let my tongue speak wicked things. I want to speak kindness and love and words that show Jesus in my life. No one needs negativity, no one needs complaining or sarcasm. Removing those words from my mouth will reflect who God is calling me to be. I want to reflect Christ, but that demands a daily heart check. What kingdom am I serving? What master am I under? If I don’t first the kingdom of God I am wasting my time. I want to start and end my days with Him and with the right attitude. I don’t want to be stuck in my own ways. I want to be open to whatever comes next. Search my heart Father and convict me of my wicked ways. Teach me to hold my tongue and soften my heart to be sensitive to those around me. Your ways are good and pure. Clean my hands and heart and allow me to serve only You. His wisdom and His discernment will guide my every step. Thank you Lord for the team you have placed me with, may I never take for granted the short time I get to grow and live with them. 


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